FRY Self-enhancement

Is Yoga a self-esteem boost or an ego quieting practice?

Keep reading to find out the scientific answer.
Quieting the ego” is considered a root cause to lessen suffering and pain. I do not think there is too much to discuss about it. Each of us had some experiences about dealing with over-self-centered counterpart. Everyone deal with situation based on “I” talking, “mine” talking and so on. You cannot get out of that. “Mine” will be always more important than “yours” because “I” will be always more important than “you”.
Here is why Yoga and Meditation are important. They help you to feel the undivided unity between you and the other. In fact, separation is an illusion. The great poet Rumi said “Why struggle to open a door between us when the whole wall is an illusion?


The “Self-Centrality Breeds Self-Enhancement” Principle.
There is a study about self-esteem’s relation to the Big Two personality dimensions:
– “agency” – e.g., ambitious, competitive, outgoing, getting ahead, and
– “communion” – e.g., caring, honest, understanding, getting along.
The researchers stated that “self-centrality breeds self-enhancement” principle. Agency will link to self-esteem, if agency is self-central. Communion will link to self-esteem, if communion is self-central. You can read the full study at University of Southampton (UK) at this LINK.
William James was a 1907 phycologists. He also stated that possessing important agentic or communal self-attributes, produce much self-esteem. In other words, when you believe in what you do, the result you get is an increase in self-esteem. No matter if what it is important for you is an agentic or communal self-attributes


Mind-Body Practices and the Self: Yoga and Meditation Do Not Quiet the Ego but Instead Boost Self-Enhancement.
An article first published online on June 2018, reports the effect of yoga and meditation on the Self. You can read it on Sage Journal website at this LINK.
According to the study, self-enhancement bias is higher in the yoga  and meditation conditions, and the effect is mediated by greater self-centrality. Additionally, greater self-enhancement bias mediated mind-body practices’ well-being benefits. Evidently, neither yoga nor meditation fully quiet the ego; to the contrary, they boost self-enhancement.
The “ego-quieting” effect people talk in yoga, contradicts the self-centrality principle. According to this principle, practicing any skill renders that skill centered within yourself; and self-centrality breeds self-enhancement bias.


There are so many studies supporting the benefits of yoga and meditation. Boosting your self-esteem is another added benefit. Another gain in the First Responders-fast-decision-to-take environment.
FRY The Method has its root in those ancient practices. Wanna give them a try? Download FRY The APP by using this LINKor contact us to know more about what we do and offer.
Sasy, FRY Director and Co-Founder

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