Passionately Promoting First Responders'
Fitness, Agility, Mind-Body Wellness & Resilience

FRY is a Toolbox for
First Responder
Mind-Body Wellness, Fitness & Resilience
Strength, Mindfulness, Relaxation, Positive Affirmation, Meditation, Trauma-Informed Movement, Deep Tissue Stretching, Breathwork
As Seen in:
Studies and our interviews show that First Responders experience:
More physical injuries
It is important to note that these statistics are from BEFORE the past Pandemic Year
FRY is a toolbox for First Responder Mind-Body Wellness and Resilience, that compiles breathwork, trauma-informed functional yoga movement (both energetic and passive), meditation, lifestyle and positive affirmation techniques all in one place, designed for First Responders by First Responders, tailored to their needs.

FRY The Method is delivered through
1. FRY The APP, making the tools available anytime, anywhere, when needed, at a push of a button. We all know First Responders always have their phones on them, right?
FRY The APP, the digitization of The Book, was launched in November 2021 and is available for download on both ANDROID & APPLE devices.
Live streamed Classes and Events and over 700 videos on Life Style, Mind-Set suggestions, Breathwork, Injury-Prevention, Stress Management, Energetic and Passive Movement (Yang & Yin), Relaxation Techniques, Positive Affirmation, Neuroplasticity, Mindfulness, Trauma-Informed Approach and Specialized Classes are available at a push of the button.
NOTE: Users’ privacy is maintained. During live classes a user cannot see other users nor can the teacher. No one knows when a user logs into FRY The APP. We respect all users’ privacy.
FRY The APP is available in US and Canada.
2. Live virtual / in person (where available) FRY The Method sessions for First Responder workplaces, leading the group through all 5 important elements of the FRY The Method: breathwork, movement, relaxation, positive affirmation and meditation.
3. Intensive Employer-Sponsored 20hr Workshops for your place of work that provides background instruction in FRY The Method elements and why they are important for First Responders

4. F.R.Y.’s Self-Help book “F.R.Y. First Responders’ Yoga. The Book”, is the culmination of interviews with First Responders, literature reviews and studies related to injuries of First Responders, fitness training, yoga education all merged with personal practices and experience as First Responder.
The App is the virtual representation of FRY The Method.