FRY strength flexibility mind training

Yoga & Weight Training

Practicing Yoga & Weight Training is like having your PB & Jam Toast: you benefit from muscle building, but you also get muscle endurance, balance, and flexibility.

The impact of “eating your PB & Jam Toast” is understandable: if you only lift weights, you only benefit from strength building at the expense of flexibility.

Why adding yoga is beneficial

Adding functional yoga movements to your weight-lifting routine allows you to maintain dexterity, muscle endurance, and flexibility. Slow and constant pace, holding the posture for an extended time to tense muscles, apply contraction and compression between the tissue is what your body needs to be healthy.

On top of that, the emphasis on breathing we put during our class allows you to get rid of the practice of holding your breath. That occurs when your body and mind are under tension and pressure. This is a bad pattern and can easily become a habit that can be eliminated with breathing exercises which is one of the big components of the yoga practice.

By becoming aware of your breathing and oxygenating your body more you can benefit more from the muscle-building workout.

By adding functional Yoga movement to your wellness routine, you can improve your range of motion and encourage better posture and you’ll be far less likely to get injured by weight lifting. A better range of motion equals a safer weight lift.

Stress Management

Are you looking for Stress Management activities? Yoga and meditation are major stress relievers, which promote better emotional health. Strength training can help to control anger and aggression with explosive movements. That, combined with Yoga and meditation, can help you to end that feeling of being in control and become more relaxed.

There is no absolute: keep lifting but add functional Yoga movements and meditation for your mental and body wellness. 

FRY is here to help you to manage your strength practice, stretch your muscles and tissue, add breathwork to your schedule, and learn how to meditate, how to relax, and how to use positive affirmation to better your life.

You are not alone! 

FRY is your 24/7 Buddy Support System

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